Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio (510 HP) Sound & Acceleration 0-300 km/h Acceleration & Sound Misc by turboandstance - September 9, 2017September 25, 2020 This post is about the Acceleration and Start Up of the new Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio ( QV ) , this car is powered by V6 2.9L Turbocharged engine which has 510 HP and 601 Nm! Watch the video of the Alfa Romeo QV Quadrifoglio below and leave a comment or
Big Engine Turbo Boats Acceleration & Sound Misc by turboandstance - August 31, 2017March 15, 2018 Here we have a compilation video of boats with some big car engines swapped in it! We have seen the craziest boats the last times but these are insane. Watch the compilation video of these boosted boats and leave a comment below or share this one with your friends! (adsbygoogle
VW Golf 1 16V Turbo – Custom Carbon/Kevlar MONSTER Acceleration & Sound Misc by turboandstance - August 27, 2017January 3, 2019 VW Golf 1 16V Turbo - custom carbon/kevlar monster. We couldnt find any info about the setup but as far as we can see it has a 16v engine swap and has been turbocharged with a big turbo! Watch the video of this awesome sounding 16v Turbo MK1 Golf below and
10 Of The Best 2.0L Engines For Drivers Acceleration & Sound Misc by turboandstance - August 21, 2017May 17, 2023 Not everyone is fan of 6+ cylinders in a car, there are plenty of people who prefer a small powerfull engine over a big powerfull engine! Here we have a compilation video to show you a couple of the most favorite 2L engines at the moment. Either way power is not
Top 5 Crushed Cars HEARTBREAKING! – Ferrari, Lamborghini, Mercedes, Bentley, Skyline Crashes Misc by turboandstance - August 17, 2017August 17, 2017 Painful to watch – 5 Luxurious, Supercars and Expensive cars getting crushed and destroyed in this 5 heartbreaking cars getting crushed compilation. See cars like the Lamborghini getting ripped apart and destroyed, the Ferrari getting crushed, Bentley and even a Mercedes SLS having its limbs torn from every angle and a
Lotus Exige with BMW S85 V10 SWAP! Misc by turboandstance - August 16, 2017March 29, 2019 Is it the sound,the low-end torque,the high-end RPMs, or some combination, people fall in love with the M5 V10? Johan Zackrisson became fascinated with the BMW V10 ever since he installed one in his E30 M3. That experience made him want something little bit more extreme! Johan started his next project in
8 ‘Regular’ Cars Which Use An F1 Engine Misc by turboandstance - August 16, 2017March 10, 2019 Formula 1 engines are not often used on daily drive-able cars, they are pron to break often due to high strained and most notably they are extremely expensive! Besides of that these engines need to be warmed up before you can even drive with it! There are however some cars which
The Million Dollar Heart Attack! (24k Gold Car) Misc by turboandstance - August 16, 2017August 16, 2017 The Million Dollar Heart Attack is likely to be had by ANYONE watching their gold plated shop car head for the wall! While the car only has about a $120k (Australian) invested in gold, the build wasn't exactly cheap either! Queen Street Customs LOVES to stand out and
He put a HAYABUSA Motor in his MINI – It’s SICK! Acceleration & Sound Misc by turboandstance - August 11, 2017November 18, 2019 This lil’ Mini is so much fun! It’s only 1000lbs, which means the 250hp Hayabusa motor is MORE than enough to bust ass on the streets! Watch the guys from 1320video checking out this little beast below and leave a comment or share this one with your friends ! Follow
9 Yamaha Engineered Engines You May Not Know About Misc by turboandstance - August 10, 2017May 10, 2018 Yamaha is a large conglomorate ,but most importantly for us,petrolheads, it is a motorcycle brand and engine builder. While they create world class bikes, they are also capable of enginering one of the best automotive engines! This all have been a real-deal for Yamaha because they didn't just produce one or